Helping Your Child Cope and Prepare When Someone They Love is Dying
Apr 29, 2022
I was recently contacted by a Mum who has been watching our mini-series on bereavement, and asked for recommendations on ways to prepare her child for the loss of a much-loved grandparent who is terminally ill.
This is a very sad scenario which children and teens can face - whether it be a grandparent as in this case, or a parent, sibling, other family member or friend, and of course it can bring up a range of big, difficult feelings for them.
I hope today's video provides some useful ideas for any parent who finds themselves in this very difficult situation with their child or children. You might like to also take a look at an earlier post on the subject of helping children cope when a loved one is ill, which I posted back in November 2021 (on the video I say its the 25th but its actually the 19th!)
Warmest wishes